What is Psychedelic Integration? And how does it apply to Introverts/HSPs?

Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelics can show up in our lives through many different avenues. They’re ingested out of rebellion, curiosity, sacrament, or desperation. It’s hard enough learning about and sourcing the substances, but what we often overlook is the time it takes to sit with the lessons we want to learn. Life pulls us back in so quickly and we are back to work on Monday.

Psychedelic Integration affords us the proper time to take these lessons, insights or epiphany and apply them into our thoughts, activating them in our lives. Without taking the time to practice integration these thoughts can be like leaves to the wind. Once realized, they escape us and are possibly forgotten until the lesson repeats itself.

Most people come to psychedelics because they want to make lasting change in their lives. It’s important to capture that change like lightning in a bottle.

“Psychedelic Integration is real-life recreation of the mind, body and psyche as inspired by the psychedelic experience, involving psychological processing, accommodating of insight and successful daily application for the purpose of individual and collective well-being and evolution.”

— Shiri Godasi

HSP/Introvert Specialization

As an introvert or highly sensitive person you may feel intimidated or shy when it comes to such a topic of transformation for your life. You may be afraid of asking the wrong questions, not healing fast enough, not hearing information correctly, feel overly sensitive to what may come up or have a unique way of processing and sitting with yourself.

This is a space for you. This is an opportunity and invitation for you to come into your own healing journey in a way that will honor and see you for who you are. For how you think. For how you process.

Let’s chat. I’m sure you have questions.