Integration Approach

Psyched Soul Method | 6 Month Protocol

This protocol has been laid out and proven using the M.A.P.S. method, The Psyched Soul Playskool of Integration, and the Psychedelic School of Higher Learning. Six months provides enough time to identify, develop and journey with the intention to transform your life. It works with you as your own healer and gives you ample time to process emotions, make mistakes, take in the highs and lows and still feel accomplished in your own healing journey. Once we identify your substance, three healing journeys will take place over the course of those 6 months, with a month of integration following each experience.

Journey 1

Get familiar with the journey space.

See the possibilities of this healing modality and medicine

Journey 2

Leaning in.

Start to do some of your work and explore your intention

Journey 3

Doing the work.

Show up for yourself fully and sit in ceremony. Process and do the work

"If we trace back every fear, story, worry and projection to its origin, we find the essential human need to belong."



Can I use insurance for this?

Not at this time. Because of current federal drug laws and policies, most psychedelics are listed as Schedule I drugs. This means that the federal government does not see any medical or therapeutic value to them and therefore has created a roadblock to wider use and acceptance by the medical field. Insurance companies follow suit and do not provide coverage at this time. The only possible exceptions that exists is for Ketamine infusion treatment, which is highly recommended.

Is it safe?

The goal of integration therapy is to make psychedelic use more safe. It is with lack of tools, information or guidance that people find themselves in troubled waters. We will have a conversation about medical contraindications (negative reactions with your current medications) or risks that may arise with taking a substance. We will have a conversation about your mental health and if now is the right time for you to be bringing about this level of change to your life. There are many methods that can be implemented to make your process more comfortable, but at the end of the day doing a psychedelic substance is meant to be transformative, mysterious, and scary. Unfortunately, it cannot be made entirely safe, nor is it meant to be.

Where can I source my substances?

We will discuss this during our sessions. However I am not allowed or permitted to provide you with sources or substances for legal reasons.

Do you provide sliding scale payment options?

Yes. At this time I do provide options for those that want access to integration specialization, but need assistance in obtaining.