About Me
And I too am one shy cat! I felt crazy for so long because I saw the world differently and operated at a different speed. Insightful and respectful. It seemed to me that things were always so fast paced and left no room for people like me. I am committed to finding the others and making time and space for your growth.
My Journey
I have spent the past 15 years as an arts professional and had worked for 13 years at one of the top feature animated film houses in the world before leaving it all behind to pursue Integration Coaching. I use art therapy and storytelling techniques in my practice to discover your inner shadow work and the harmful stories we tell ourselves.
My Transformation
I have spent my life's journey in spaces that allow me to educate and care for others in the artistic realm. I believe that life is art and life is psychedelic. Therefore it has become apparent to me on my journey that I can use art therapy and psychedelic therapy to assist in people's personal development.
After a life changing experience in 2015, I chose to dedicate my life in the service of others. I have been on my own ever-unfolding self-work journey and want to share my successful approach navigating this space as an introvert.
My Values
Psychedelics can be talked about and seen by others as a form of spiritual bypass and getting to the mountaintop quickly. I acknowledge for myself that they are merely tools that can be used to gain understanding and come to terms with change in our lives. They do not bring about the change, that is up to us. They simply make us aware of what needs to be changed and awaken within us the ability to do so. That’s why Integration Coaching is so important to me. It uses the language of psychedelics to encourage us to bring about the changes we’ve witnessed on the journey. But it is ultimately up to us to do the work.
Methods that I Subscribe to:
Art Therapy
Jungian Psychology
Adlerian Psychology
Philosophies of Henry David Thoreau
Philosophies of Arthur Schopenhaur
Shamanic Core Principles
Witchcraft Ethic & Natural Principles
Working with the land as our healer