Psychedelic Integration for Introverts!

Providing Psychedelic Integration tools for Introverts and Highly Sensitive People

The world can sometimes feel like it’s made for and rewards those that are loud, boisterous, and high energy. When it comes to inner work though, finding solace in the psychedelic integration space should not feel the same.

Working with you at your speed and comfort level

Psychedelics can be a scary and adventurous way to explore the inner depths of our being. Coming into a better dialogue with our true selves can often feel disorienting, confusing and like your world is falling apart. It’s helpful to have a guiding voice that has been on this path before and can assist you using familiar language, patience and understanding.

  • "James is a kind, compassionate, and effective psychedelic specialist who is ready and qualified to guide you through the hardest fights of your life. I was going through the darkest struggle anybody should have to face and through James’ psychedelic therapy sessions I was able to unpack my trauma, restore optimism, and help discover muted parts of myself. Love yourself and start this journey with James, I don’t know where I would be without it."


  • "James' services really helped me get clearer on how I am showing up in relationships and also affirmed me in the offerings I have to share. I enjoyed the exercises and thoughtful discussions that cultivated awareness, clarity and support."


  • "James brings such warmth and openness to our interactions that has always made me feel comfortable with deep personal exploration. I have worked with multiple therapists and coaches, who were at best ineffective at building lasting change, and at worst, frustrating. I cannot stress this enough: the work that James and I have done together has been so infinitely more effective, potent, and life changing."


  • "James is a kind and amazing teacher that has helped me through so much of my trauma. The tools he taught allow me to deal with situations that would have previously left me as a wreck. I highly encourage everyone to work with him, you won't be sorry!"


  • "James has a special touch of sincerity and maturity beyond their years that allowed me to feel at ease in tuning in with my personal energies for deeper growth and working with these earthly medicines. "


  • "I first met James in one of my psychedelic integration circles I was leading. I very quickly realized he was a powerful yet gentle presence in our community. His regular attendance showed his commitment to this work so I was THRILLED when he decided to follow this path professionally. What a unique space he creates for the more introverted seekers in this work. His keen observations are a welcome and needed part of the psychedelic renaissance and I can't recommend him highly enough."


  • "Supportive, patient, professional, personable, knowledgeable, respectful, experienced. At a time when much lip service is paid to the importance of integration, James treats it as a real priority; holding context, and offering a "through-line" through powerful, potentially life-altering experiences. Working with James has opened up opportunities for me; I hope that others find this as well."


  • "James is an incredible therapist and psychedelic integration coach. He’s been very flexible with me as I found my flow with therapy, and has worked with me to find more balance and peace in my life. He’s a truly pure advocate for my wellbeing and always makes an effort to recenter me around goals that I’ve set out for myself. He listens and makes it easy to open up."


Enjoy my interview with Mystic Mag where I provide an in-depth look at my psychedelic integration approach.

"You partner with the plant medicine to co-create a healing experience. You become your own healer. But that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone."


Let’s have a conversation.